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Currently reading

Mary & The Wrongs of Woman (2 in 1)
Mary Wollstonecraft, Gary Kelly
Gazelle-Boy: Beautiful, Astonishing and True - A Wild Boy's Life in the Sahara
Jean-Claude Armen, Stephen Hardman
The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories
Of Love and Other Demons
Edith Grossman, Gabriel García Márquez
Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë

Killing Hope Pod Firm Sale

Killing Hope: U.S. Military and C.I.A. Interventions Since World War II - William Blum A very thick and detailed book on the darker side of US interventions which completely shatters the 'good guy' myth. I randomly read parts of it for a deeper understanding of US involvement in present-day conflicts. How odious can these gringos get?