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Currently reading

Mary & The Wrongs of Woman (2 in 1)
Mary Wollstonecraft, Gary Kelly
Gazelle-Boy: Beautiful, Astonishing and True - A Wild Boy's Life in the Sahara
Jean-Claude Armen, Stephen Hardman
The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories
Of Love and Other Demons
Edith Grossman, Gabriel García Márquez
Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë

Eaters of the Dead: The Manuscript of Ibn Fadlan, Relating His Experiences with the Northmen in A. D. 922 (A Bantam Book)

Eaters of the Dead - Michael Crichton, Ian Miller Really enjoyed this book.Creepy at times, funny at others, really worth reading.Pity that it was so short.Wonder how much of it is true.