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Mary & The Wrongs of Woman (2 in 1)
Mary Wollstonecraft, Gary Kelly
Gazelle-Boy: Beautiful, Astonishing and True - A Wild Boy's Life in the Sahara
Jean-Claude Armen, Stephen Hardman
The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories
Of Love and Other Demons
Edith Grossman, Gabriel García Márquez
Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë

Needful Things: The Last Castle Rock Story

Needful Things - Stephen King Stephen King is such a talented writer and the idea of a shop which sells you whatever you want for your soul is a very compelling one. Unfortunately, all of this writing talent, experience and ideas are lost in pages of gorey, predictable and tired drivel. I must say that I really enjoyed the scene with the two women fighting although it was more suited to another genre of writing and I thought the idea behind the book was good. Unfortunately that was about it. Why does Stephen King always try to climax his novels in a huge, apocalyptic bang. It really is not befitting of someone with such immense writing talent and originality to waste it on such inanity. His characters do not really change much from novel to novel either. Too much gore, too many words, too many characters, too little surprises, too little to get scared about. Don't waste time on this one!