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Currently reading

Mary & The Wrongs of Woman (2 in 1)
Mary Wollstonecraft, Gary Kelly
Gazelle-Boy: Beautiful, Astonishing and True - A Wild Boy's Life in the Sahara
Jean-Claude Armen, Stephen Hardman
The Oxford Book of Caribbean Short Stories
Of Love and Other Demons
Edith Grossman, Gabriel García Márquez
Wuthering Heights
Emily Brontë

The Call of the Wild (Aladdin Classics)

The Call of the Wild - Gary Paulsen, Jack London A classic, Jack London writes the rugged, cold north like no other.

The Talisman

The Talisman - Stephen King, Peter Straub Stephen King does an amazing job merging fantasy and horror. He 's at his usual best with realistic characters and a plot that keeps you chained.You may enjoy the typical Stephen King 'cosmic battle' ending which spoiled it for me.

The Use of Lateral Thinking

The Use of Lateral Thinking - Edward De Bono Will convince you of the existance of lateral thinking and its merits. A lot of good points but that's about it.

The Prince (Donno Translation)

The Prince - Niccolò Machiavelli I loved it....Not only is it a book on politics but also on human behavior. The witty writing alone merits a read.

Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire  - Anne Rice Sensuously written, this is a gothic classic that will float around you for days after you put it down.

Interview with the Vampire

Interview with the Vampire  - Anne Rice Sensuously written, this is a gothic classic that will float around you for days after you put it down.

The Sicilian

The Sicilian - Mario Puzo Mario Puzo's style is rich and his characters and varied and full of depth.Puzo at his best!


Omertà - Mario Puzo Did Mario Puzo really write this?Its awefull.....Bland language and boring characters.

Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales

Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales - Stephen King Everything's Eventual is a good collection of the kind of writing that has made Stephen King so popular. However most of this collection was not as 'spine-chilling' as the blurb suggested. The two genuinely scary pieces were '1408' and 'The Road Virus Heads North'. '1408' was one of the scariest things that I have read recently. I think this was because a certain amount of mystery was maintained. You really lose the plot in this story. This induces that suspense, uncertainty and loss of control that successful horror writing is all about. I also felt that 'L.T's Theory on Pets' could have been tweaked into a something a little better. 'Lucky Quarter' and 'That Feeling...' seem to be just fillers. 'Lunch at Gotham cafe' was a gore-fest that lacked imagination and creativity. In some other stories like 'Riding the Bullet' and 'The Deathroom', The author seems to fall just short of being able to deliver the knock-out blow. The type of blow that makes you check if the windows are closed before you go to sleep. 'All that you loved will be carried away' and 'The death of Jack Hamilton' are two really well written stories but unfortunately they do not scare. I found 'The little Sisters of Eluria' long but ultimately a very beautiful (and eerie) piece of writing that would complement any horror collection. The notes that the author has included at the beginning of each story are very useful to those who love writing. However explanations do render the exotic mundane and it would have been a better book if he had either left them out or buried them all at the back of the book.

Kon-Tiki Expedition

The Kon-Tiki Expedition - Thor Heyerdahl If exploration was a religion, Thor Heyerdhal would be a god.If adventure, the ocean or exploration is your thing, how can you not read this book?Even if it isnt then you still got to read it.

The Da Vinci Code

The Da Vinci Code  - Dan Brown Over rated.I read it to see what the hype around it was all about. Some parts were well written, the majority however was not.Dan brown deliberately misleads at certain points. Borrow it if you have to, but buying it is a waste of cash and bookshelf space.

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich: A Novel

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - H.T. Willetts, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn A short but intense book.Solzhenitsyn brings the gulag to life.

Needful Things: The Last Castle Rock Story

Needful Things - Stephen King Stephen King is such a talented writer and the idea of a shop which sells you whatever you want for your soul is a very compelling one. Unfortunately, all of this writing talent, experience and ideas are lost in pages of gorey, predictable and tired drivel. I must say that I really enjoyed the scene with the two women fighting although it was more suited to another genre of writing and I thought the idea behind the book was good. Unfortunately that was about it. Why does Stephen King always try to climax his novels in a huge, apocalyptic bang. It really is not befitting of someone with such immense writing talent and originality to waste it on such inanity. His characters do not really change much from novel to novel either. Too much gore, too many words, too many characters, too little surprises, too little to get scared about. Don't waste time on this one!

The Autobiography of Malcolm X: As Told to Alex Haley

The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Alex Haley, Malcolm X Awesome......Every american should read this book.....exaines race relations from a very objective point of view.

The Picture of Dorian Gray (Barnes & Noble Classics Series)

The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde, Camille Cauti Oscar Wilde's sole novel is breath-taking. Rich language, teasing wit, beautifully weaved characters.One of my favourite books.

White Fang (Scholastic Classics)

White Fang - Jack London Ignoring the racist elements and insipid ending, the book started of brilliantly, Its worth a read for the first few chapters.